CCJDC Meeting Minutes- April 27, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday April 27, 2021, 9:30 am – 12 pm

GoToMeeting Virtual Meeting

9:36 am: Call to order: Meeting called to order by Bryan Kriete, chair of CCJDC
9:37 am: Review/Approval of Minutes
9:41 am: Any New Announcements or Additions to Agenda

  • John Schweisinger, Turf Imagery, announced that he has been working with Big Sur Fire to create a crisis hub and map portal. The mapping has included generators, solar panels, pools and ponds that could be used in the event of a fire. Maps are being printed now and include trails.

  • Fire fuels mapping is taking place as well, funded by the County of Monterey and the Resource Conservation District of Monterey County (RCDMC). Put all this data into a GIS hub that can be shared with CalFire and allows for continuous mapping. ArcGIS Collector was used for this.

  • John also introduced MPRPD Explore, which is a GIS Library that allows you to gain access to Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District GIS Data

9:48 am: Participant Introduction & Agency Updates

  • Bryan Kriete, GIS Analyst for County of Santa Cruz DPW and CCJDC chair, is working on numerous projects including Culvert Assessment Mapping Project, Stormwater Network Ownership & Condition Project, Sanitation CCTV Inspections Import Project. All of these projects have various Maps, Apps, and Dashboards associated with them for deeper and more rigorous analytic opportunities for upper management.

  • Gina Schmidt, GIS Coordinator for AMBAG, is currently working on AMBAG’s long-range plan. This includes modeling transportation and the Sustainable Communities Strategy out to the year 2045 for Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties.

  • Will Condon, Planner for AMBAG, is also working on AMBAG’s long-range plan. He has been reviewing input datasets for the model and preparing for coding projects into the model’s network.

  • Chris Bley, Insight Up Solutions and DART, has been working on several projects. Recently inspected 1500 acres of Esselen tribal land in Big Sur using drones. Also working with the Naval Postgraduate School as well as Monterey Fire Search and Rescue.

  • Chad Miller, County of Monterey, has been putting together the parcel fabric for Monterey County. Recently running a pilot project with city of Salinas, which includes portal to portal collaboration for shared editing of parcel fabric. This could have ripple effects for other orgs and agencies that work with the county for data sharing capabilities

  • Dario Moreno, Caltrans District 5 GIS Coordinator, has been working on Caltrans’ Active Transportation Plan. He has been using asset management software for sign inventory and irrigation. He is also involved in several committees for creating standards for data management. He noted that GIS is becoming popular in Caltrans, and is realizing they need to have everybody on the same page.

  • Carol Ostergren, USGS: Central Coast LiDAR now showing up in the National Map Portal. Point cloud and 1-meter DEMS are now available. Another collection of LiDAR for Santa Cruz County, quality level 1, will cover all of Santa Cruz County, including a piece of the northwest coastal area not collected before. She noted this data is collected and validated and will be available soon. Also have Santa Clara County collection available for those interested as well, which will be coming in the next 3 to 4 months

  • Mark Gomes, Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office, has been working on a ranch map atlas, pesticide use investigation mapping, and species work.

10:01 am: Discuss Mobile Data Collection Projects – Using Survey 123, Collector, or other Applications

  • Chad Miller brought up licensing ESRI mobile apps, noting that one way around the licensing issue is by using Survey123. It is public and anonymous and can draw any geometry now instead of only allowing for point data. Bryan Kriete has used it for fire recovery and debris flow surveying for Santa Cruz County.

  • Chad noted another workaround for the named user issue, which is entering an Enterprise agreement for ESRI. This costs more but gives them basically unlimited named user licenses. He noted it is a three year trial then ESRI will look at how many accounts they have created.

  • Dario Moreno used Survey 123 for the public to comment on ATP plan, Story Maps, Explorer maps, etc. He noted Caltrans uses it for logging future location based needs to identify problem areas.

  • Bryan Kriete noted that Enterprise licensing agreement is based on population so does not make sense for Santa Cruz County.

  • Storage is also becoming an issue, as a lot of users collecting a lot of data is storage exhausting.

  • Bryan Kriete noted how much nicer mobile data collection is now with smartphone collections as opposed to the old Trimble GPS units.

  • Chad Miller noted that Monterey County has used mobile collection for fire and associated damage assessments. One thing he has noticed is staffing and how to get field folks to collect what they are supposed to collect. He thinks more facilitating and training will be necessary, as well as data validation so that data from field is higher quality. He noted that water resources agencies surveying are surveying levees in the county as well.


10:30 am: Demos

  • County of Monterey – GIS Resources & Services

o    Chad Miller demoed the Monterey County parcel fabric

Click here to view presentation slides.

  • County Santa Cruz DPW – Lucity Services & 2021 New GIS Features

o    Bryan Kriete demoed the Lucity software

11:56 pm: Wrap Up & Meeting Adjourned: Meeting adjourned by Bryan Kriete

  • Next CCJDC meeting will be July 20, 2021

Click here to view a recording of the meeting.

CCJDC Meeting Minutes - February 2nd, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday February 2, 2021, 9:30 am– 12 pm

GoToMeeting Virtual Meeting

• 9:35 am: Call to order: Meeting called to order by Bryan Kriete, 2020 chair of CCJDC

• 9: 35 am: Review/Approval of Minutes

• 9: 38 am: New Announcements or Additions to Agenda:

o No new announcements or additions to the agenda

• 9:39 am: Participant Introduction & Agency Updates

  • Bryan Kriete, County of Santa Cruz DPW and chair, Integrating Info Asset Planner (Proactive Asset Management software) with GIS, GraniteNet, and Lucity. This integration generated a lot of new datasets to use/publish. Providing GIS support, developing apps, data for Stormwater consultant to develop a master plan. Working with Roads to begin mapping of new asset classes (such as guardrails or red curbs). In process of unwinding Post mile issues. Many roads have switched start and end points breaking PM’s and breaking associated assets belonging to (like paddle markers).

  • Gina Schmidt, AMBAG, launched ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 on a single machine deployment. One Portal account leverages data store for data sets and 21 named users for the jurisdictions. Each of the 21 jurisdictions are updating PlaceTypes map applications and future development and growth areas for AMBAG’s long-range plan (2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy). Working on a lot of planning projects, and getting ready to move into modeling for the MTP/SCS. Gina noted that the 2020 year is being treated as a forecast year so won’t have COVID-19 implications. The next long-range plan will be utilizing 2020 Census data, so that plan will show the implications of COVID-19.

  • Chad Miller, County of Monterey, noted that he has been working on evacuations for winter storm evacuations for debris flow. All have been lifted except near the Highway 1 slide in Big Sur. Working on parcel fabric with assessor’s office on edits and developments. Integrating parcel fabric for different apps and backend processes. County has moved to ArcGIS Pro.

  • Charles Hanley, City of Salinas, dealing with compliance issues for FEMA mapping. Have edits to make to achieve compliance. Working on map templates for General Plan.

  • Chris Bley, Insight Up Solutions, has been working with their long-range drone with vertical take-off and wing flight that allows for a longer range (F90+). 90 minute flight duration possible. Upcoming data gathering in Big Sur to capture 1500 acres of imagery. Having a lot of success with that platform. Working with Joby Aviation as well.

  • Randy Casey, City of Salinas, successfully installed ArcGIS Enterprise including Portal on a multi-machine server. Envisioned as being a phased in approach, service by service. Have to schedule when things migrate over as to not impede on staff use. Making sure the published data is the best available data. Upgrading to 10.8.1. Developed an application for sanitary sewer crew for the CCTV van and move it to a server, pull the data down and into a GIS realm. They can then have a dashboard for the sewers that they’ve done. Also linking a tree application to the 311 application and make integration more seamless for reporting tree issues. Deep into the realm of asset management.

  • Tony Cardoza, City of Salinas, changed drone platforms. Working with open data portal. Future growth areas and handling requests.

  • Will Condon, AMBAG, worked on disaggregation of employment data at the TAZ level for the years of 2015, 2020, 2035 and 2045 to be integrated into AMBAG’s model for the 2045 MTP/SCS. Preparing to begin modeling process for AMBAG’s long-range plan.

  • Stephanie Baker, solution engineer at ESRI, will be presenting on ArcGIS Field Maps.

• 10:12 am: Election of CCJDC Officers

o Chair: Bryan Kriete

o Co-chair: Chad Miller

o Secretary: AMBAG

o Webmaster: Rene Anchieta

• 10:17 am: ESRI- ArcGIS FieldMaps, Presented by Stephanie Baker

Click here to download slides for ESRI’s Field Maps Presentation by Stephanie Baker

  • Randy Casey inquired about teams that are using PC tablets. Is this only for mobile applications? Stephanie responded that most teams using Pro for collection services for desktop based applications. No browser based application for desktop users only. Field application is for mobile or phone.

  • Bryan Kriete asked since Navigator is a premium service, when it gets integrated into Field Maps will it become free as a part of the suite of apps? Stephanie was not sure and will look into it.

  • Bryan Kriete said that the County of Santa Cruz uses Lucity asset management software, and asked if crews have Collector license, are there plans to be able to integrate with Lucity on the backend? It would make sense to have Collector for the crews as main experience.

 Response: Not sure of any workflows for that, doesn’t think there are any plans for that.

• 10:57 am: SC County DPW- Innovyze Info Asset Planner extension, Presented by Bryan Kriete

  • Randy Casey noted that Salinas had to develop a holistic system that includes pipes, manhole covers, etc. that has to be interconnected so if they bring them up on a dashboard. Does this system allow for that?

Definitely, can put the layers into a dashboard. Analysts would still have to update the network now and again, but still will be able to see what’s happening to the network and get a snapshot of what’s going on.

  • Randy Casey asked if the datasets are exportable or can be published

Bryan Kriete said yes they can be shared out.

  • Chad Miller asked the group about Enterprise. Monterey County serves named user license through Portal. Question is about serving ArcGIS Pro license through Portal: Their portal is externally accessible. Since they have their Pro licenses being accessed through portal, shouldn’t need VPN to access. However, staff is still having to go through license manager, since they don’t externalize their license Portal. Has anybody made their license server externally accessible?

Randy Casey said Salinas hasn’t but wonders why ESRI would want them to and it could open them up to having their licenses stolen.

• Next meeting will be Tuesday April 27, 2021

• 11:33 am: Wrap Up & Meeting Adjourned: Meeting adjourned by Bryan Kriete

CCJDC Meeting Minutes - October 27th, 2020

 Meeting Notes for CCJDC Virtual Meeting
October 27th, 2020

** GoToMeeting was used to facilitate this meeting**


·         Bryan Kriete, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:34 am

o   9:35 am: Review of previous meeting’s minutes. Minutes approved

·         No additions to agenda

·         Participant intros/updates

o   Bryan Kriete, GIS Analyst City of Santa Cruz Public Works

o   Gina Schmidt, GIS Coordinator for AMBAG, is working on rolling out ArcGIS Enterprise, launching mapping applications. Set up named users outside our agency for editing access to planning departments to capture local land use data for AMBAG’s long range MTP/SCS Plan.

o   Jeanette Favaloro, CSUMB, stated she is not directly involved in GIS right now, just listening in for now.

o   Will Condon, Planner at AMBAG, noted he is working on reviewing and verifying datasets for AMBAG’s travel model, and working with CARB’s EMFAC model.

o   Austin Robey, GIS Coordinator at City of Watsonville, noted that staff is very close to rolling out CityWorks for water folks. Waiting on an update which should be out next month. Using Collector and CityWorks mobile application. Also working on Enterprise. Editing geometric networks.

o   Nakul Bhatia: ESRI

o   Dario Moreno, Caltrans District 5 GIS Coordinator, Working on ATP plan for District 5. Working with SLO County for Virtual GIS day and maintenance viewer and data. Going through agreements and post modeling.

o   Joseph Londono, GIS with Caltrans District 5, working with post-models

o   Chad Miller, GIS Analyst in Information Technology Department of County of Monterey, working with ArcGIS Enterprise development, lots of ArcGIS Enterprise administration and application development.

o   Matthieu Denuelle, ESRI, Work with Caltrans, CalFire, Counties

o   Carol Ostergren, USGS, LIDAR for Central Coast funded by FEMA still not showing on National Maps, have data drives moving around. If we don’t have it yet, let her know and she will get drive to us. Santa Cruz County data on ftp site. Working closely with the state, but has no information or funding for post burn Lidar data collection. If people need assistance, can help coordinate with that. Not sure if supplemental Congressional money will exist to capture new burn data. Santa Cruz county quality level 1 collected last spring, funded by San Mateo Conservation and Santa Cruz tree people. Data processed and submitted to national maps, hopefully available soon.

§  Email:

§  Mail drives to 219 Appleton Drive Aptos, 95003

§  2020 QL1 Santa Cruz LiDAR:

§  A couple of the Santa Cruz 2020 products can be downloaded here. They could be the same ones SCC is serving.

§  Austin noted he has a drive for Monterey and parts of Santa Cruz, he can share if need be. Chad Miller has hard drive for Monterey County. Both drives will be sent back to Carol ASAP.

·         9:52am: Wildfire Impacts

o   Chad Miller supported IC for the 3 fires. Made use of ArcGIS Enterprise to send up some apps quickly for evacuation zones. GIS Enterprise for post damage assessment. Evac zones were viral and crashed systems. Moved it onto ArcGIS online, want to make data center more sophisticated

o   Bryan Kriete made apps for Santa Cruz county using Survey123 to locate damaged structures, issues with parcel lines; with structures damaged it is hard to say which parcel they were on. Lost over 500 signs with PostMiles and hired contractors trying to get post miles. Using Survey123 to get signs, culverts, etc. mapped. Doing a lot of work for debris flow evacuation zones mapped. Survey123 saved them, due to cell service but haven’t implemented something that would work to collect points and then map them with devices when service resumes. San Lorenzo Valley maps are difficult with lots of unknown factors and rugged terrain.

o   Joe Londono- Caltrans having issues with parcels not lining up with imagery. Especially difficult with shadows and trees to determine property boundaries and resulting impacts of fires and trying to determine which property has structures burnt or damaged.

o   Chad Miller mentioned CalFire going to USGS for info on potential debris flows for Monterey County. Asked if Santa Cruz fire SCU? Did CalFire go and do work on Environmental Rapid Response Team report? For Dolan Fire, USFS also used USGS and BareEarth. Carmel/Salinas Fire was CalFire. CalFire was more sophisticated and got data from USGS. CalFire got report out and distribution of data. Soil burn severity was leveraged from USGS. Mass transportation evacuation plans called ZoneHaven in Santa Cruz County, and that Governor Newsom wants a statewide ZoneHaven. (Bryan mentioned that Matt Price was hesitant about ZoneHaven. Austin mentioned to take a look at services to automatically push via ArcGIS enterprise collaborations and synching).

o   Matthieu, ESRI, said statewide EOS wants statewide county data drive process for fire and evacuation mapping. He said to use Geo-Jobe to help. GeoJobe has good tools for moving content on Enterprise ( )

§  Set up user accounts, move content between users in same organization, then no cost but cost associated with other actions

·         10:20 am: Nakul Bhatia presented on ArcGIS Insights Dashboard

o   Austin asked if intermediate data creates additional dataset in your datastore? Nakul replied that it does.

·         11:01 am: Dario Moreno (Caltrans) presented on Active Transportation Model and supporting dashboards

·         11:20 am: Bryan Kriete presented Santa Cruz Department of Public Works Transportation Dashboards

·         11:50 am: Dario Moreno outlined the GIS Day plan for SLO County

·         Next meeting will be in January 2021, Tuesday possibly 3rd week of month.

·         11:54 am: Meeting adjourned

CCJDC Meeting Minutes- August 11, 2020

CCJDC Agenda for Virtual Meeting
August 11th, 2020

9:30 am: Call to Order

9:31 am
: Review/Approval of Minutes. Bryan read a recap of the January 2020 CCJDC meeting.

9:32 am: Any New Announcements or Additions to agenda. None.

9:40 am
: Participant Introduction & Agency Updates.
Austin Robey, City of Watsonville. Working on City works.

Bryan Kriete, Santa Cruz County DPW. Working on a variety of mobile applications – some deployed, some in process. Building out Lucity Spatial. Improving accuracy and standardization of all datasets. Developing a suite of dashboards for DPW management.

Chad Miller, County of Monterey.  Monterey County ITD GIS is working with the Assessor’s Office on implementing a Parcel Fabric data model with Esri support from our Enterprise Advantage Program. GIS support to COVID-19 has been limited, but we are tracking testing sites and homeless shelters.

Dario Moreno, Caltrans District 5.  Discussed asset management and sign inventory collection efforts, equipment, and software. Caltrans D5 staff are currently using iPads with Collector.  Our student interns extract our sign locations using PathWeb and input that information into a spreadsheet (this includes lat/long).   I then take that info and append the points to our enterprise GIS database.   The last step is to field verify the signs and do a condition assessment. We are using a Trimble R1 antenna to improve the accuracy of our sign locations.

Gina Schmidt, AMBAG. Working on Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, Regional Growth Forecast, Activity Based model project and upcoming peer review.

Joe Londono, Caltrans District 5.

Lynn Overtree, San Benito Ag Land Trust. Using GIS primarily to inventory property features and to create maps. SBALT is beginning a grant-funded project to assess the agricultural conservation needs in San Benito County and prioritize project areas. This will help the organization know when to accept projects, or reject them. Mapping will help us assess multiple benefits of a given place.

Marc Gomes, Ag Commission Office of Monterey County.

Will Condon, AMBAG. No update.

10:00 am
: Discuss Coronavirus Impacts/Projects related to GIS. CCJDC participants discussed how COVID-19 and agency policies, maps, technology has impacted work and work-flows during the remote/Work from home time. Some agencies, such as Santa Cruz County, are doing split shifts of being in the office. COVID-19 has helped agencies with technology, data capture in the field using devices and software that originally may have not been authorized without this pandemic. AMBAG policy is no in-person meetings, as such, we are leveraging virtual meetings via GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar.

10:20 am: Discuss ESRI UC2020 Experience. Bryan, Austin, and Chad discussed the virtual GIS Conference and the format. Most agreed that the experience was different, but good as no in-person conference could be held. The benefit is that it is available online and users could stream multiple sessions at one time, and pick and choose which ones were most interesting/needed instead of running around from room to room at the convention center in SD.
10:40 am: Agenda Items
- Using Dashboards Effectively
- Deploying Mobile Applications

Lots of discussion on what works and doesn’t regarding mobile. Connectivity issues. Data entry. QA/QC in the field. Integrating ESRI mobile apps with Asset Management Software. Discussed Watsonville’s roll-out of CItyWorks. Not a lot of dashboard use yet though County of Santa Cruz has developed and deployed a couple dashboards and has several in development.

11:54 am
: Wrap Up & Meeting Adjourned

Next meeting Late October? Topics for meeting:  ESRI dashboard demo (Dario to contact ESRI rep), Chad to demo a dashboard, Dario to demo Caltrans app/provide update on it.

CCJDC Meeting Minutes - Tuesday January 28, 2020


9:30 am: Call to Order/Sign-in Sheet: Meeting called to order by Austin Robey, chair of CCJDC.

9:31 am: Review/Approval of Minutes

9:32 am: Any new announcements or additions to agenda

9:34 am: Standing Committee Reports – GIS Day Recap

 Austin Robey gave a recap of GIS Day.  The event was a success and had a good turnout, approximately 70 people.  There were 5 presentations, a map gallery and raffle.  Sponsors for the event included the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG). 

A GIS Day recap on the CCJDC website. Austin stated that Bryan Kriete was instrumental in helping set things up for the event.

Austin mentioned it would be a good idea to try and secure a venue early for GIS Day 2020. 

9:40 am: Participant Updates

Austin Robey, City of Watsonville: Launching City Works, an asset management program. The water department is rolling out the software for water, sewer, and storm drain networks. The City of Watsonville is building an ArcGIS Enterprise, which takes a lot of time. New ArcServer and web services in the next 6 months.  They are working on setting up maps and spatial data for the Watsonville Emergency Operations Centre. They have also been working on converting data to ArcGISPro, eventually moving users off of ArcMap.

Rene Anchieta, County of San Benito: Setting up a Census canvassing app for volunteers. The app is provided by the state and he has to create user accounts and train volunteers how to use the app. Creating map books canvassing as well, since some users do not want to use the app.  In the process of updating all maps and ArcGIS Online maps for the Emergency Operations Centre.

Joseph Londono, Caltrans: A new project viewer has been set up and is available to the public. The viewer shows Caltrans projects. Joseph has been presenting the viewer at various meetings and conferences. He agreed to demo the viewer at an upcoming CCJDC Meeting. 

 Vincent Lantaca, City of Salinas: Maintaining datasets and transferring flat files and data into GIS.  Creating visualizations with crime data.

Randy Casey, City of Salinas: Has spent a lot of time building a backbone for data exchange between their Track-it software and GIS Servers. Migrating data into their new 2017 SQL Servers, migrating from 2012 SQL Server. Updating sewer maintenance map books and digitizing to integrate them with a sewer system maintenance app. The maps are very old. Converting services into ArcPRO and updating various scripts.

Charles Hanley, City of Salinas: Has been working on a building footprints project that has taken a long time.  He using Lidar to create the footprints and the footprints are coming out better than he thought. Working on an urban tree canopy project, identifying H2A housing for the Census HTC. Created a 7th storymap for the Vison Zero program. The goal of the program is to bring pedestrian fatalities to zero.

Gavin Leavitt, City of Salinas: Building out storm drain utility network, had dataset before from the 70s. Filling in with newer data.  Also working with Census HTC data to target areas to inform people of the upcoming  Census.

Anthony Cardoza, City of Salinas: Updating a 25 year old spreadsheet of historical Salinas reports of service/calls/maintenance records. The project is especially difficult because it deals with addresses that can often be misspelled in multiple ways.  

Bryan Kriete, Santa Cruz County:  Working with Lucity and ArcGIS Online Collector App for infrastructure. Trying to get the collector app in all field workers hands and training them how to use the software. Potholes, where road work is being performed are some of the features that will be collected using the app. The data will be provided to the public through ArcGIS Online.  Residents felt it was a worthwhile use of funding to see real-time road closures/issues .

Chad Miller: In the beginning stages of moving to ESRI’s Parcel Fabric. ESRI is helping out with the project. The workflow has been challenging.  

Gina Schmidt, AMBAG: Working on the Census PSAP. Has to verify boundary changes (City Limits, County boundaries) in all three counties and send them to the Census Bureau in 90 days.  Also working on the new regional plan for 2020. 

 11:10 am: New Business – Plans for 2020 CCJDC

In what direction do we want the CCJDC to go? What do we want to see in 2020? Meetings will be held quarterly, rather than bi-monthly.  Originally the CCJDC was set up for data sharing,  that has been accomplished. Randy mentioned the exchange of ideas has been very helpful.  Austin asked how we can get more people to the meetings. Adding tech workshops was brought up.   Chad mentioned maybe bringing laptops and showing others what we’re working on visually. Charles said the meetings have really helped through solutions exchange, events and presentations are really useful in conveying information. Time was an issue and we can carry on the conversation into the next meeting. Some of the topics we could discuss at the meeting are: Cal GIS Council, URISA, Develop better outreach, the recent USGS Lidar collection.

 11:30 am: Annual leadership elections

The Committee voted:

Chair: Bryan Kriete

Co-Chair: Austin Robey

Secretary: Rene Anchieta

Web Maintenance: Chad Miller and Charles Hanley

11:45 Wrap Up and Meeting Adjourned